Thursday 8 November 2012

Production Roles

Camera Operator: Nadia 
Actors: To be sourced
Sound Technician: Rhiann & Nadia
Editors: Rhiann & Nadia
Film Director: Rhiann
Location Manager: Nadia
Storyboard Organiser: Rhiann

Camera Operator: Nadia
A camera operator, which is also known as a cinematographer in the film making industry, is the person who operates the film or video camera. They have to physically operate the camera and ensure that the camera stays in the angles that the director has set for the scene. They will also be responsible to decide which lens would be best to use and they will check to see if there are any irregularities with the mise-en-scene. They will also have discussions with the directing team and they can have their say if they believe that it is the wrong shot and if another angle looks better.

We decided as a group that I would be the camera operator as I have experience with filming cameras because I had to make some movie clips for my coursework in Year 11 for my Media GCSE, which included behind the scenes clips and interviews & a short video clip for my ICT GCSE. 

Actors: To be sourced
An actor is the person who has the responsibility to play out the role that has been set for them. They have to convey the narrative that has been written out for them. They must be able to learn the scripts and recite them on time whilst including an emotional response when one is needed. They need to be able to become the character and make them look as real and authentic as possible.

We decided as a group that we would source other actors so that we could concentrate on the other roles without the added role of being a actor too.

Sound Technicians: Rhiann & Nadia
The sound technicians are responsible for all the sound that is in the film or performance. They have to communicate with the producers & directors to work out what sounds they want and need in their productions. The sound technicians have post production tasks that they have to complete, such as; adding in sound effects & integrating voice recording with the film.

We decided as a group that we would both be the sound technicians as we both have skills that we can bring to this role as Rhiann has a more developed imagination and she can think of what the best sounds would be for a scene/clip. However, I have more knowledge on using post production programs, such as garage band. This means I can put Rhiann's idea onto the computer and into the clips.

Editors: Rhiann & Nadia
The editor has to add all the clips together and make them suitable to broadcast or show. Their main role is to use all the raw footage and edit it all together and making the whole film run smoothly. They might also help the sound technicians by advising them with what sounds will go well with the clips.

We decided as a group that we would both be the editors as I have experience with the editing programs and Rhiann has more knowledge about the narrative and how it needs to be conveyed because she is the storyboard organiser.

Film Directors: Rhiann
A film director is the person who directs everyone to create the film. They have to make sure that the narrative that the writer has written will be portrayed in the creative way that they see it as in their heads. They will work with the storyboard organiser to make sure that their vision has gone through it and they will make the final decisions on the lighting, camera angles and lens effects on the cameras. In post production, they will make sure all the shots help to convey the actor’s emotions and if they need to add or change anything. They also participate with the sound mixing too.

We decided as a group that Rhiann would be the director as she is the storyboard organiser so she knows how the scene and shot needs to be set out and she can direct the actors in the most effective way as she knows the storyboard the best.

Location Manager: Nadia
The location manager has to work with the director to work out what their vision is, so that they can find and identify the correct location for the different scenes. Once they have found a location, they will check that it will fit in with the filming times and budget, and if it does, they will normally create a photographic storyboard with all the different camera shots. They must ensure that the whole crew knows how to get to the location and that all the health and safety rules are being met. They will have to bring in any extra stuff that is needed, such as power sources, catering and any permission needed too.

We decided as a group that I would be the location manager as one of the locations that we filmed at was at my house and that I knew the area around my house better to find places for the outside death scenes.

Storyboard Organiser: Rhiann
The storyboard organiser is the person who is responsible for how the narrative is going to be presented and portrayed. They will draw out the whole storyboard and have discussion with all the production team to make sure the storyboard is detailed. They will collect the following data from the following people:

  • Camera Operator: Camera angles/shot
  • Location Manager: Mise-en-scene & Iconography
  • Editor: Editing
  • Sound Technicians: Sound Effects
  • Director: Narrative description, script & actors

We decided as a group that Rhiann would be the storyboard organiser as she is the more creative one out of the two of us and she will be able to execute the narrative onto the storyboard the best.


  1. You have included the main production roles that are essential within a film production. But you need to explain why you and your group decided on certain roles

  2. This post now demonstrates a good understanding of the different production roles that are used within the industry. You have also considered some of the stregths of your group members well too.
