Monday 19 November 2012

Filming Schedule

The filming schedule is an important part of the planning for a movie as it helps to make everything organised. It can be given to all the people on the set, as it has everything on it, from the content from the narrative to the hair and make up that will be used in the scene.

It also helps to work out how long each scene will take to film and can help to create a itinerary for the actors and crew for the filming days.

Here is the filming schedule:

We followed the filming schedule for most of our clip except for the last row. When we were filming the teenager daughter, we first filmed it as a panning shot but as the camera operator, I felt that a different type of shot would be better for this particluar scene. We went with using a mid shot instead with the girl walking into the camera so that our last shot would be the material of her jumper, which we felt would be a good finishing point to put the title on with that background as it is red like the board game.

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a good understanding of why a filming schedule is essential to consider, while you are filming.
