Thursday 15 November 2012

Planning the cinematography

Camera shots are very important for films because it can change the focus, set how the audience views the film & how they connect with all the characters. It can cause the audience to create a better connection with the characters & can cause the audience to emote more when actions have happened/are happening.

Panning Shot
The panning shot will be used when the girls are playing the board game & when one of the teenage girls (Natasha) has been killed. The board game scene will see the panning go round all four of the girls whilst they are sitting in a circle.
Shallow Focus
The shallow focus will be used on the one of the teenage girls (Olympia) when she is on the floor with the stab wounds in her. This will be so that people will know that she is in a kitchen of some sort but they won't know exactly where. Also it will make her the main focus of the shot.
Establishing Shot
The establishing shot will be used after the point of view down the hallway. It will show the whole living room with all the girls sitting down.
Point of View
We are going to be using a point of view shot when we show Charlotte picking up the board game in the present, then her walking with the board game in the flashback. This will make the focus on the board game and will allow the audience to wonder what Charlotte is doing as all they see is the board game and the moving environment. 

1 comment:

  1. This post shows a basic understanding of planning and this is because you have only basically described the main camera shots.

    To make this post more detailed you need to expand on why you wish to use this camera shots in further detail.
