Monday 12 November 2012

Character Representation

It is important to have a variety of characters because this will allow us to show the different personalities, how they apply themselves in the situations which they are put in. For example, if you have a victim who is a child & you have a victim who is an older person, you would see a difference in how they attempt to remedy the problem that is in front of them. 
Another reason would be because you would get different representations from each individual character. The dictionary says that representation is to describe or depict something and the representation also concerns the hidden meanings and what the object symbolises. 
In my group, we all thought carefully about what characters we wanted to use & what images we wanted to use to represent our narrative.
We have chosen the following characters:

Character 1 (main character):

Name: Charlotte
Age: 15 (in flashback) & 36 
Gender: Female
Race: White British
Background: Charlotte is in both the flashback when she is 15 and in the present day. Younger Charlotte will be used in the flashback and she is at a sleepover with her friends playing the board game. Older Charlotte is a mother who is moving and packing up when she finds the board game 'LETUM'
Purpose to the narrative: Younger Charlotte's purpose to the narrative is that she is the main character, she is the person who brings the board game to the girls and she is the character who the narrative will revolve around as she is the only girl who lives. Older Charlotte's purpose to the narrative is to show she is still alive and to calm the audience before all the action kicks off once her daughter has the game.
How will the character appeal to a audience: Charlotte will be a young girl, so many people in the audience will feel concern for her after seeing the other girls die. They will also wonder why she is still alive when the other's have died and this can cause the audience to feel scared and worried for her.

Character 2 (main character's daughter):

Name: Sarah
Age: 14
Gender: Female
Race: British Asian 
Background: Sarah is the daughter of the main character, Charlotte. She is with her mum, where her mum is helping clean and throw again some stuff.
Purpose to the narrative: Her purpose is to pick up the board game that her mother drops down and find a interest in it. Sarah will help bring attention to the board game and help emphasis that it is one of the main points in the clip.
How will the character appeal to a audience: As the audience would have seen the flashbacks that Sarah's mum Charlotte would have had, the audience will have connected with Charlotte. As Sarah is her daughter, the audience will feel a bond with her. Also when they see Sarah pick up the board game, they will understand that the board game has had bad actions revolve around it and the audience might panic when she picks it up and finds a interest in it.

Character 3 (teenage girl 1):

Name: Jade
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: White British
Background: Jade is one of the teenager girls that attended the sleepover and gets killed.
Purpose to the narrative: Jade is shown to be hit from behind and have a bag put over her head. Her character helps to show the audience that the board game is causing bad things to happen to the people who play it.
How will the character appeal to a audience: The audience will feel sorry for the girl as she has been killed and no one know why. She is just a innocent girl who was leading a normal life in the eyes of the audience.

Character 4 (teenager girl 2):

Name: Olympia
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Race: Greek
Background: Olympia is one of the teenager girls that attended the sleepover and gets killed.
Purpose to the narrative: She is seen to have stab wounds and a blooded knife is seen next to her. Her character helps to show the audience that the board game is causing bad things to happen to the people who play it.
How will the character appeal to a audience: The audience will feel sorry for the girl as she has been killed and no one know why. She is just a innocent girl who was leading a normal life in the eyes of the audience.

Character 5 (teenage girl 3):

Name: Natasha
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Race: White British
Background: Natasha is one of the teenager girls that attended the sleepover and gets killed. 
Purpose to the narrative: Natasha is seen underneath a car with blood pouring out of her head. Her character helps to show the audience that the board game is causing bad things to happen to the people who play it.
How will the character appeal to a audience: The audience will feel sorry for the girl as she has been killed and no one know why. She is just a innocent girl who was leading a normal life in the eyes of the audience.

Character 6 (villain):

(we haven't added a image of our villain as they are not shown in our two minute sequence so they could be anyone)

Name: Unknown
Age: Unknown
Gender: Unknown
Race: Unknown
Background: Unknown
Purpose to the narrative: The villian is the person who kidnaps one of the teenage girls in the flashback. That is the only thing that we know about the villain so it helps to create a enigma for the narrative.
How will the character appeal to a audience: The villain won't appeal to the audience as the villain won't be shown enough. However, it will help to create an appeal for the audience to carry on watching the film as they will want to find out who the villain is and why they have been attacking the game and what the board game has to do with it all.


  1. This post demonstartes some planning skills and this is because you have considered the representation of your characters well. Just aim to include an image of your villain too

  2. This post now demonstrates a good understanding of why characters are essential to include within a production.
