Thursday 22 November 2012

Opening Credits

The purpose of a film credit is to let the audience know who have taken part in creating the movie clip that the audience are watching. For example, in our movie clip, we would have the following:

  • Camera Operator: Nadia Shah
  • Actors: Nadia Shah, Jade Almond, Jackie Jarvis, Charlotte Watt, Olympia Konstantino & Natasha Petrou
  • Sound Technician: Rhiann Johal & Nadia Shah
  • Editors: Rhiann Johal & Nadia Shah
  • Film Director: Rhiann Johal
  • Location Manager: Nadia Shah
  • Storyboard Organiser: Rhiann Johal

Se7en Opening Credits:

The main background colour was black with the flashing shots in between normally having a red theme. They have used white for the credit text, which stands out more against the black so it makes the names stand out more. 
 Style and Conventions of credits:
The credits are very flicky and they have used shadows to highlight the credits more. They have also made the text move around and get a glow to make it more highlighted. When it moves, they have also added extra elements to make it look as if it is being showed from a film reel, which connotes that it must be quite old. Also, at 1:04, the credit looks like The font looks handwritten and it looks as if the person writing in book is writing the credits out. 
Another convention of these credits it the effects on the sound. They have used parallel sounds that go with the shots of the antagonist, which helps to emphasis what he is doing. The enigma in this thriller is that we don't know who the person is, but we can only assume they are the killer.

order of appearance:
01: production company
02: production
03: film by
04: actors (title came up after the two main characters)
05: casting
06: music
07: costume design
08: production design
09: camera operator
10: co producers
11: main producers
12: writers
13: directors
14: title

Vertigo Opening Credits:

order of appearance:
01: production company
02: actors
03: director
04: title
05: co-actors
06: screenplay
07: based on novel 
08: photography
09: colour consultant
10: art direction
11:special photographic effect
12: process photography
13: title designed by
14: editors
15: assistant director 
16: make up & hair
17: sound recorded
18: costumes
19: special sequences
20: music
21: conducted by
22: associate producer
23: director

Group Anaylsis:

After looking at the videos by ourselves, Rhiann and I decided to work together to see what we liked the best. However, we both disagreed. I think the Se7en opening credits are better while Rhiann thinks that the Vertigo opening credits are better. We both decided to write down what points we felt were good about the opening credits that we liked so that we could use these points to help us with what we should include in our own thriller film.

Here is what Rhiann thought about the Vertigo opening credits:

'There are many reasons that I believe the opening credits for vertigo are successful in conveying that the film is of the thriller genre, successful in keeping the viewer engaged and making them want to continue watching the film to see the storyline unfold.
The first reason is that the I believe the credits are bold, the use of white font in front of the black and grey backgrounds stand out and are eye-catching as they convey a serious atmosphere to the film.
Another reason I believe the opening credits to vertigo are successful is that they keep the theme of the circle running throughout. This shows the hidden meaning to the film as vertigo means a sensation if whirling. The first circle we see is when the camera zooms in on the pupil of the girls eye, this is then followed by purple, blue and pink pyshcadelic spirals unfolding were the main credits naming the production crew appear. This made me think that adding meaning to the credits we use is important as thrillers aim to confuse the audience and convey hidden meanings to the viewer throughout, this helped to come to the idea that we could use the same font for our credits as we used on the game board featured in our thriller opening.'

I believed that the opening credits for Se7en was better than the opening credits for Vertigo. 
My first reason was that it was very obvious from the opening credits that the movie was going to be a thriller. This is because of the conventions that are portrayed in it. For instance, there is a enigma of who the character is who is completing all the tasks and actions that are shown in the clip. Also they suggest that the character is creating a book about someone or recording something which is another enigma in itself.

The sounds that are used, help to keep the audience engaged with the clip. Also the font is a stereotypical thriller font & it fits in with the scene as it looks to be handwritten and with the tasks that the character is completing, it all fits and joins together.

However, when we started to look at fonts for our own credits, we both were looking for the same thing. Here are some examples of fonts that we looked at:

1. I felt that whilst no.1 was a conventional thriller film but that because it was a type writer style font, it wouldn't fit with our board game narrative.
2. I picked no.2 as I wanted to see what a handwriting style credit would look like
3,4,5 & 6. As a group, we felt that while all these fonts are what you would expect to see in a thriller genre, we felt that they wouldn't fit with our narrative and film.

Order that our credits will come up in:
01: production company (level46productions)
02: director
03: actors
04: camera operator
05: storyboard organiser
06: location manager
07: editor
08: sound technicians

1 comment:

  1. This post demonstrates a sound analysis of what credits are and how they are used. You have analysed the two sequences well and you have also considered your style of credits too.

    To develop this post in more detail you need to make more direct reference to the codes and conventions to show further understanding.
