Monday 26 November 2012

Planning the editing

Editing helps to create pace for the scene, which can add to the suspense or help create an illusion of danger. If there wasn’t any editing, you would just get the raw material of film that is filmed and this would cause the filming of the scenes to be more difficult as you wouldn’t be able to add or change the scene in any way. 

Editing Technique 1: Kuleshov Effect
This is when two shots are put together to give the audience a third meaning.
In this particular shot the audience will see someone holding the box in the present day and then the kuleshov editing technique will be used as the second shot will then begin the background will have changed but the hands and the box will be exactly the same as before in the first shot.
The reason we chose to use the kuleshov editing technique in this shot is that, the first shot is when the girl is holding the box in the present day, the second when she is holding it in the flashback when she was a teenager and the third meaning portrayed to the audience is that something has happened concerning the girl and the game adding emotional impact to the film, as this editing technique allows us not to have to show the audience exactly what happened without telling them and keeping part of the   story line a secret.
This editing technique is conventional of thriller, this is because thrillers aim to keep the audience in the blue and the story line unknown for as long as possible. This explains why we chose to use this editing technique and that, it may cause some confusion in the viewer as they do not understand what happened and why the flashback has happened, this is another convention of the thriller genre.

Editing Technique 2: Jump Cut
Jump cut is when the film suddenly focuses in on something.
We will use this editing technique when the main character- Charlotte sits down with the boardgame and the box is not opened, to the next shot where boardgame is out and all 5 girls are playing the game.
The reason we chose to use the jump cut editing technique is that we only have 2 minutes, therefore we did not want to waste time and potentially bore the audience by showing the characters set up the whole board game. Another reason we chose to use the jump cut editing technique is that the thriller genre aims to keep the openings brief and jumpy the quick change keep the viewer interested.

Editing Technique 3: Montage
This editing technique focuses more on the speed of editing, a montage is when the shots are quickly juxtaposed together in order to create excitement.
The shots where we will be using the montage editing technique is the shots of when the girls are playing the board game and they switch to showing them dead or dying.
We chose to use montage editing technique for this particular shots as it would cause the audience to have a better emotional connection with the girls that had been killed.

The editing can cause the film to be more conventional as there are many different techniques that can be used. Changing the pace of the film can cause the scene to look completely different. For example, if the shot is editing in a fast pace, then it will make the audience pay more attention and they would expect some action to happen. If it was editing slow, then the audience would be waiting for something to happen and it could create a anti climax.

1 comment:

  1. You have made a good start in explaining the different editing styles that you wish to include within your production. You have considered your styles well and you have also thought about your examples well too.

    To develop your post in more detail you need to focus on your audience in more detail.
