Thursday 18 October 2012


The questionnaires were important for our research because we needed a way to found out some data and information about thriller movies. The questionnaires helped us to decide what to put in our own thriller sequence because we saw what people liked and disliked in thriller films.
Our questionnaire had the following questions:

1.What gender are you? (Please circle 1)

Male             Female

2.How old are you? (Please specify)

3.Which age certificate do you prefer to watch for a thriller film? (Please circle 1)

12            15            18           

4. Which of the following entices you to watch a thriller film the most? (Please circle 2)

TV Advertisement             Billboard            Magazine Advertisement            Magazine Interview

Online Video Clips            Word of Mouth            Other (Please specify)

5. What iconography (props) would you expect in a thriller film? (Please specify)

6. Which of these weapons would be the best to use in a thriller film? (Please circle 2)

Guns                 Knifes             Household Tools                         Explosives                         Cars                       
Swords            Chainsaws                        Axe                        Other (Please specify)

7. What type of sound would you expect in a thriller film? (Please specify)

8. What type of setting would you expect in a thriller film? (Please circle 2)

Abandoned House                        Forest                        Exotic Destination                        Normal Setting                        Hospital                        Other (Please specify)           

9. What type of editing would you expect in a thriller film? (Please specify)

10. What character would you most likely expect to be a victim in a thriller movie? (Please circle one in each row)

0-12 years       13-18 years      19-45 years       46+ years

Male                                                 Female

11. What sub genre would you most expect to be paired with the thriller genre? (Please specify)

We used questions like these because we felt that it would give us some extra insight into what people expect to see in thrillers and what they like to see. This helps us to work out what appeals to the audience and how we can make our own thriller movie appealing to our target audience.
We gave the questionnaire to 40 people to fill it out, with Rhiann getting 20 questionnaires filled out and I got 20 filled out. We agreed that we wouldn't ask specific people and make sure that we didn't ask people with too many similarities. We believe that this is the right amount of people because we would get a wide representation of the population which would cause our data to not be low in reliability which would help make our answers more accurate and correct.


  1. Also include the introduction and summary points to show further understanding of why research into a target audience is important

  2. This post now demonstrates a good understanding of why questionnaires are important to include, especially when considering a target audience
