Thursday 18 October 2012


After we collected all our questionnaire, we decided that we needed to present our data so that we could see the results clearly and use it to help us understand the population's opinion on thriller films.
Here is an image of all the charts that we made from the data that we collected from our questionnaires:
(Click on the image to enlarge it)

We used pie charts and bar charts with the different results. The reason why we used both was because we felt that when some of the results were shown as a pie chart they weren't clear enough and you couldn't tell what the exact result was so we put them onto a bar chart instead so that it would be clearer for the reader to see what the participants had chosen.

We used our data to help us with our own thriller clip and what we should add in our narrative and what we should keep out of it. For example, Question 10 in our questionnaire; what age and gender would you expect the victim to be?, 94% of our participants answered that they believed that a female would be a victim. This made us realise that it would be best to have females in our narrative and make sure they are the victims and that we make them look weaker to show they are the victims in it. 
The data also helped us change or add anything to our narratives that we felt would appeal more to the audience from the questionnaires as they are a mixed selection and count as our audience.


  1. You also need to include the introduction and summary for this post too

  2. How will your research assist you with planning your music video? Consider the results that you received in more detail.
