Thursday 18 October 2012

Interviews (Vox Pops)

Vox Pops:
In our group, we decided to create 3 different vox pops to get a more in depth response on what people's feelings are on thriller films. This helped us get a personal response, which helps us with the important decision of what we should include in our own thriller clip. Before we went to film the vox pops, Rhiann and I decided that we were going to get 3 people from different ages groups so that we could compare them to each other. One would be from the 11-13 age group; so that we could get a young person's opinion on thrillers. The second person would be from the 15-18 age group because they would represent the majority of teenagers. Also, this age group are more likely to have watched more thriller films that the children from the 11-13 age group and would be able to comment on the age certificate 15 thriller films. The last person would be someone over the age of 18 because they can watch whatever thriller film they want, when they want because they are old enough.
Here are the 3 vox pops:

1 comment:

  1. Also include a summary to explain how this form of research will assist you with planning your thriller?
