Thursday 18 October 2012


The purpose of a target audience is to see who would be the best people to watch your clip. If you didn't have a target audience then you wouldn't have anyone to aim to show it to and having everyone as a target audience is too large of a choice.

To work out who our target audience should be, we carried out a questionnaire that we got 20 people to fill out. It had questions such as 'what type of editing would you expect in a thriller' & 'how old are you' because we felt this would help us understand what the person would like/want to see in a thriller piece but also know how old they are and what gender so that we can make our target audience specific.

We surveyed 40 people as in our group and Rhiann handled our 20 and I handled out 20. We felt this was the right amount to help us get a wide representation of the population which would make our data have more validity which would cause it to be more accurate. 

The vox pops went well, we got 3 people to answer our questions; a teacher, a sixth former and a year 7. We felt this would help us in our decision of who would be in our target audience and what they would like to see. 

We used the following question, 'what gender are you' to help us decide which gender we were going to aim at. Our results showed that that 65% of people from the questionnaire were males.
This helped us in our decision of what characters to use as most males would rather see a female in a thriller film that a male. They would also get a better connection and feel more sympathy for a female character.

1 comment:

  1. Your evaluation shows a basic understanding of the research that you received and this is because you have not related your points to data/percentages to support the points that you are making. This needs to be included to show further evidence of your research.
