Thursday 11 October 2012

Group Narrative

The other member of my group, Rhiann Johal did this as her narrative: 

My thriller will begin with a young girl running away from someone or something, the audience is not aware of what she is running from. But we know that she is scared and distressed because she is crying and has blood on her clothes and hands. She stops and hides behind a bush. The camera will then cut to a close up of her holding something in her hands which are all bloody, she opens her hands and the audience see a key in her hands. The camera then cuts back to flash backs that the girl has of her and some of her friends at a pier and she goes to a psychic and she is told 'this key will change your entire life'

Advantages and Disadvantages:
I like the part where the girl is running covered in blood. I think this will help create an enigma because the audience will try to answer the questions that will come into their head. I feel there isn't enough detail and if we were to continue with this one, we would have to add more detail to the narrative and sort out the whole plot line, not just the two minute sequence narrative. 

Our Final Group Narrative:
We decided to go with my narrative but take the flashback idea from Rhiann's and make the narrative more organised. 
The two minute sequence will start with the mother finding the board game and blowing the dust off it. This will then trigger a flashback from her, where she remembers playing the game, and the other girls dying. The camera will show them losing in the game, and then them being killed. After showing all three of them dying, the scene will be brought to the present where the mother will be shaking and panicking about finding it. She will rush out of the room/loft to put the game on the pile of rubbish that they are about the throw away. Right after the mother leaves the shot, her teenager daughter walks past the hallway and accidentally knocked the pile with the game down. She then picks everything up and the game catches her eye so she decides to go show the game to her friend.

1 comment:

  1. This post shows some understanding of why group discussions are essential to carry out, especially when you are considering your narrative.

    To make this post more detailed you need to consider your other narrative from your group member. Also you need to make the group narrative idea more detailed by considering:

    1) the representation of your characters
    2) the codes and conventions of a thriller and how your narrative idea is conventional
    3) a discussion to explain how your narrative builds a relationship with your target audience
