Monday 11 February 2013

Audience Feedback

1) why is audience feedback essential to carry out?

Audience feedback is essential as it allows to get both positive and constructive feedback from other people who are not involved with the making of the film and from people who will give their honest opinion and not someone who will just say what we want to hear. Another reason would be that it allows us to see how an audience would perceive our film without having any previous knowledge about it. As they do not know, we can see if they understood the concept of our narrative so that we could then improve upon their comments.

2) where did you screen your production
We screened our production in our media classroom and asked a variety of people to come and view it, some who had taken media as a subject as they would know what specific features that our thriller should include and some people who have not. This allowed us to get different views and opinions. We asked people from our school from the ages of 15-18 as this was part of our target audience that were readily available to us at our school. But to get feedback from an audience above the age of 18 we emailed a variety of people between the ages of 18-35 the link to our thriller on youtube. 

3) how did youtube help
Youtube helped our group as we could use it as a platform to publish our thriller and have people give us feedback on it, plus as our target audience are the main users of youtube, this means that the feedback would be even better as we could see how our target audience feel about it and if the clip fits in with their age bracket. Another advantage is that youtube means that we could watch or show the film anywhere as all you would need is the link to the video.
 A further reason was that Youtube allowed us to gain un-biased advice as the people who watched and commented on our thriller on youtube did not know who we were therefore did not feel inclined to give specific positive feedback.

4) what feedback did you receive
  • "some scenes are too dark" - Samantha
  • "too many enigma's can be confusing because you don't see it all unfold" - Louise
  • "i loved all of it apart from the scenes showing the girls dying in the board game to them dying in real-life. I feel there could be other scenes or something to help make it seem more connected" - Amy
  • "is realistic of teenagers- made it more realistic" - David
  • "included sense of fantasy and danger were it is an ordinary thing but would never happen the whole film creates that feel" - Jack
  • "the movement from present day to flashback was clear and obvious" - Sophie
5) reflection
The comments that we got were what we as a group had expected to get, due to our discussion on some issues when we were in the editing procedure. I'm glad with the good comments we got as we had focused on those areas as we felt they were important. I agree with the constructive comments and agree with some of them and if I ever got the chance to do this whole project again, I would definitely make sure that all the areas that were mentioned in the negative comments section were sorted out so that everyone who watched the film would enjoy and understand it, so that the thriller would be more improved but I believe that me and my group made a successful thriller opening sequence and I am proud of my work.